Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mr. Brooks

Rating : 4/5

The real star of this drama is the story, and the script. Kevin Costner portrayal of a highly complex, sometimes tortured, character is superb in that he is seemingly always in control, always one step ahead of the challenges. One of the best stories in some time, this one covers all of the bases in a satisfying way, keeping the viewer completely involved from start to finish. There are just enough plot twists, blended seamlessly with just the right amount of predictability, to make this story completely believable, and totally satisfying.

Mr. Brooks, Mr. Citizen, is a soft spoken, highly intelligent man of the community, always in control of his job and family, despite the adversities he faces throughout the movie. Very enjoyable is the intricacy, detail, and discipline he is able to maintain throughout the chaos that befalls him throughout the entire plot. His total control of all of the challenges almost makes him a super hero in terms of skill and control in the performance of his self assigned, gruesome tasks at hand. The blending of his alter-ego, bad conscience side, Marshall, is seamlessly accomplished in this psychological escapade, to the point that one almost has to root for "them". Marshall, although the psychopathic side of Brooks, is almost likable, in a twisted sort of way.

If you are ready for a story that is intriguing, suspenseful, gripping, and present day, then this movie is a good place to start. Costner, Moore, Cook, and Hurt are all splendid. Each one is intense, tormented, fun, and believable in his respective role. Another positive feature about the storyline, and it's conclusion, is that it lends itself to, perhaps, a very interesting sequel potential. Kudos to the directors, producers, and entire cast.


Unknown said...

Excellent review. Interesting movie !!

This is a great website and you are selecting some excellent movies to review.

Keep up the good work.

J said...

Great site, well-written reviews. Wasn't too crazy about the movie's ending though. I want more of a concrete ending, but you made a good point about sequel potential

Anonymous said...

i had a feeling Costner would make some kind of a comeback; plus it's interesting how Dane Cook went from stand up comedian to starring in a ton of major movies